Code of Conduct

Ferula Viaggi Slow Italy follows laws and regulations in each country that relate to ethical, social, and environmental factors. By following this code of conduct, we ensure that our operations are run responsibly:

  • We run a respectable business. We do not tolerate bribes and corruption. Nor do we accept gifts, payments, or other benefits that might affect business decisions and conflict with laws, commercial behaviour, customs, or good business practices. We strive for free competition and fair play on the market. And we implement required controls to counteract financial crime such as money laundering or terrorist financing.
  • We take gender equality, inclusion, and diversity challenges seriously. We encourage diversity at all levels within the group. We strive to ensure that nobody is discriminated against based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender-based identity or expression, religion or other beliefs, or sexual orientation. This applies to how we treat our employees. It also applies to applicants during recruitment and orientation processes. Employees who perceive themselves (or someone else) to be discriminated against or subjected to mistreatment are encouraged to report this to the immediate manager, the CEO, or the personnel department.
  • We follow human rights and labour laws. We respect human rights and do nothing that violates them. It is equally important that we try to choose business partners that fulfill the same requirements. We select suppliers with care and strive for a transparent process when they, in turn, employ contractors and subcontractors.
  • We care for our external relations. These core values influence everything we do internally and externally: close to customer, knowledgeable, flexible, and on our toes. All employees are expected to conduct themselves correctly during contacts with business partners. Through commitment, proactivity, good relationships, reliability, and responsibility, we strive to be customers’ first choice. We also expect our external relations to fulfill our rigorous demands regarding the environment, work ethics, and transparency, among other requirements.
  • We care for each other internally. We see every employee as a business-critical resource. Everyone should feel secure and needed at Ferula Viaggi Slow Italy. We sincerely care about an individual’s personal development by offering continuing education and opportunities to develop within the company. We safeguard the health of our employees by having a good, safe working environment.
  • We care about the environment. We endeavour to have as little negative impact on the environment as possible when it comes to our tours, experiences and services. Our fully licensed tour guides inform constantly our visitors about the environment, the procted areas, the protected species of our regional parks and our historic sites.

A trekking holiday is a holiday in freedom, it is true, but there are nonetheless rules and prohibitions, both for safety and for respect for the other participants.

It is forbidden:

  • To leave the group on unfamiliar routes without informing the companion;
  • To overtake the leader at the head of the group: it is your responsibility if you get lost!
  • To throw waste and cigarette butts on the ground;
  • To light fires;
  • To smoke in the hotel;
  • To possess or use drugs and/or narcotic substances in general;
  • To remove any kind of archeological find;
  • To take pictures or videos in places where it is not allowed.

We recycle, sort hazardous waste, and contribute to reuse. We strive to reduce climate impact from our vehicles and limit the number of business trips. We follow laws and regulations and set clear goals for how we can reduce our environmental impact as we improve our working methods. As we strive for a sustainable environment, we also place demands on our suppliers, subcontractors and partners.

All employees are obliged to follow laws, regulations, regulatory requirements, and guidelines (as expressed in this code of conduct) related to ethical, social, and environmental factors. Noncompliance with this code of conduct can lead to disciplinary sanctions. Ultimately, Ferula Viaggi Slow Italy managers are responsible for ensuring that this code of conduct has been communicated to employees and to relevant external parties to promote broader knowledge and use of the guidelines.

Aderiamo al protocollo #SAFETRAVELS

Ferula Viaggi aderisce al protocollo #SAFETRAVELS del World Travel & Tourism Council per garantire e preservare la sicurezza dei propri clienti in merito al COVID-19.

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